Car Stars of Television
Show Titles A-G, H-O, P-Z.
The A-Team
, also: At a show, Same show,
, Another View
198?-198?. Cars: GMC Van and 1984 Corvette.
I don't think this slick van ever took a bullet during the entire run of
this series...(I'm sure someone will correct me on this!). B.A., Face, Murdock and Hannibal tooled around the Western
U.S. assisting those that needed them most (why is it all these 'helpless' people could find them, but the Feds couldn't?).
The show also featured, irregularly, Face's white Corvette.
7/8/96-The A-Team Corvette has turned up, for sale, at Capitol Corvette in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, for $30,000.
4/10/97- Three new pictures of A-Team Van(s). The one behind a fence is stored at Universal Studios, Florida.
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve this site...Email me!!!!


1968-1975. Cars: '67, '68 and '69 Plymouth Belvederes, '71 Plymouth Satellite, '71 Mercury Montego, '72 AMC Matador (above).
Most of the above photos were 'borrowed' from they don't mind!
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve this site...Email me!!!!

Also: Rear View
'Manufacturers Hanover' television commercials, 197?. Car: Hahahahaha....
What the ...??? This would give you a
stroke if I left it to you to guess, so I'll just explain. This car was designed by Gene Winfield and
built from the parts of 22 cars. It starred in commercials for the bank promoting auto loans for 'any
car' . It weighed 3300lbs. and rode a 118 inch wheelbase. A Mercury 289-V8 powered it. How many
of us actually remember this thing? Recognize those front fenders?!?
12/9/98- Finally, photos of the car!!
8/2/99- AMC Content: Front fender bulges and emblems from a 1971-74 AMC Javelin.
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve this site...Email me!!!!


1972-74. Car: 'Barris Kustoms' Modified 1969 AMC AMX.
In the second, regular-season episode of this short-lived series, George Peppard's character is out to track
down this stolen experimental race car and the railway car that contained it...both of which have vanished.
The car is reported to be worth five million dollars! I like the car, but.......YEESSHHH!!!!
6/6/96- EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS to 'Javlynn Sue' for the picture of the 70-400 AMX (often called
the Banacek AMX)...a car I'd only heard about until today (June, 6, 1996) but had never seen! I'm so excited,
I could propose!!!
7/23/96- MORE THANKS to Brent Havekost for the black and white picture of the car shown from
the rear. This is an original 1972 postcard he was nice enough to loan by snail mail to me for scanning. The
back of the card indicates that Barris chopped the roof, slanted the windshield posts, lowered the windsplits,
lengthened the nose 15 inches, and louvered it to death. In between the rear louvers is an intricate tail light
system. Read the whole paragraph HERE.
6/2/97- Another picture added, which appears to be the same photo as the Black and White one, but in color
and 'framed'.
Notice that the recent color photo shows the car with different rims and tires. Apparently, the original wheels
got seperated from the car at some point in the last 20+ years!
8/2/99- AMC Content: It's an AMC AMX...what more do you want??
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve this site...Email me!!!!

Batman (1966)

1966-1968. Car: Various Ford chassis' and engines.
For all the dirt on this car, click the picture to go to the 'Futura' Batmobile Home Page!
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve these sites...Email me!!!!

Charlie's Angels

1976-1980. Car: 1976(?) Ford Mustang II Cobra
Under Construction......
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve this site...Email me!!!!

The Dukes of Hazzard
also:airborne collage, Daisy's '73 Road Runner, Daisy's '71 Road Runner,
Daisy's 'Dixie' Jeep CJ5, Cooter's Tow Truck, Cooter's OTHER Tow Truck, Matador Cop Car,
Mopar Cop Car, The surviving cars leave the studio
1979-1985. Cars: 1969 Dodge Charger, 1974 Road Runner, Ford wrecker, various police sedans including Plymouth Furys/Dodge Monacos and AMC Matadors.
This show probably takes the cake for 'devil-may-care' continuity
problems. Only 'Christine' made her damage disappear THIS easily! One scene I vividly recall was where the
car leaps over a moving boxcar (mondo-cliche!) and is obviously nose-heavy and going to be totalled on contact
with the earth...but thru the miracle of quick camera-angle changes, the boys land squarely on all fours and continue
down the road. And did you ever see the one where the general is seen from the rear heading for disaster...and the
'69 tail lights are faked with paint to hide the '68 lenses? Oopsie! I know, lay's all in fun....and it was that, eh?
6/10/96- While most Mopar fans (and possibly the show's characters) will say this car is a 440-V8, at least one picture
that I've got clearly shows the distributor against the firewall....that means small bigger than a 360! This could
simply be one of the cars used for scenes not needing the big motor, of course.
7/10/96- It's believed 127 '68 and '69 Dodge Chargers were destroyed during the making of this cultural icon.
7/11/96- Anyone know of a Poster for the show that featured a '70 Coronet as the General Lee? Anyone got one?
8/3/96- Another visitor reports the possible use of miniatures for stunt work in later episodes, as well as stand-in cars for the
General Lee...of different makes and models- possibly even an AMC Matador in the General's colors was used!
Added pictures include Daisy's Yellow Plymouth (Also seen in Red in at least one episode), Cooter's wrecker and several General Lee hulks on a transport truck as they
left the studio's storage site for greener owners planning to restore them.
12/12/96- The Starsky and Hutch Torino made a special guest appearance in the original 'Dukes of Hazzard' TV movie- the one
that launched the series. There's a bit where Bo and Luke round up their car drivin' buddies in a local junkyard - this Torino is
driven by one of the buddies.
8/2/99- AMC Content: See the Matador police sedan picture.
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve this site...Email me!!!!

The Green Hornet
, also: The car with the show's stars
1966-1967. Car: Modified 1966 Chrysler Imperial LeBaron
This car was built by Dean Jeffries.
From the current owner of the car: "The engine is a 440, automatic, rocket lancers, scanner, broom
sweepers (never used on the show), revolving license plates(again never used) all controlled from the rear."
11/30/96- J.R.Goodman (the current car owner) has a website stuffed with Green Hornet memorabilia...including a 1/25th
scale resin model of the Black Beauty! Check it out at
6/2/97- A new picture of the car with Bruce Lee and Van Williams.
Feel free to throw me something on Kato's boss' car!
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve this site...Email me!!!!

, also: Another angle She-Gremster Party room
Kodak 'Gremlin' television commercial, 1996. Cars: Late model AMC Gremlins
8/2/99- AMC Content: The Gremlin, dude!
If you have more info or pics of this car and would like to help improve this site...Email me!!!!

Show Titles A-G, H-O, P-Z.
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